The Latest News — stability

Top 7 Criteria for a Strong, Sturdy Sunset Beach Tote

Lisa Stewart heavy duty stability stabilizing stitches strong sunset beach tote

Top 7 Criteria for a Strong, Sturdy Sunset Beach Tote

Don't be fooled by the "Beginner Basics" label on The Sunset Beach Tote. Though written with great detail for beginner bagmakers, The Sunset Beach Tote pattern was designed to be a sturdy workhorse of a bag. Check out the design features for ensuring your bag will pass the test.

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How We Refreshed and Enhanced the Popular Cici Tote Bag Pattern

Lisa Stewart add-ons adjustable strap Cici Tote Bag confident beginner crossbody option faux leather pockets shoulder bag slip pockets snug lining stability strong structured tote bag

How We Refreshed and Enhanced the Popular Cici Tote Bag Pattern

The Cici Tote Bag has a lot of devotees among bag makers. With new formatting, we also took the time to add some enhanced features, making it even more versatile than the original. This "new and improved" really is!

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