The Latest News — interfacing chart

The Best Stabilizers and Interfacings for Your Bag

Lisa Stewart bag making interfacing interfacing chart patterns pellon stabilizers structured

The Best Stabilizers and Interfacings for Your Bag

We all "oooh and aaah" over the finished bag. But it's really what lies beneath that makes the end product "stand up and be noticed." Read all about it and grab our 2024 updated resource for your bag making tools.

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Tips and Tricks for A Snug Lining in Your Bag

Lisa Stewart beginning bagmakers expert tips how to interfacing chart learning library snug lining tips tutorials

Tips and Tricks for A Snug Lining in Your Bag

At KPD, Patricia strives to design bags that will have a snug lining. But sometimes, fabrics have a mind of their own, and you need to make some adjustments. With years of bagmaking ups and downs, we share our best tips for a lining you'll want to show off.

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